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How far back does Arizona’s level one fingerprint clearance card

According to online data, the Arizona Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card is used to determine the suitability of individuals to provide services to the state of Arizona and its citizens. It is important to note that this card does not guarantee certification or licensure from the Arizona Board of Nursing.

In 2009, a new law went into effect that created two types of fingerprint clearance cards in Arizona, including the Level One and standard cards. The Level One card is designed to provide clearance for individuals working with vulnerable populations, such as children and the elderly.

The exact timeframe of how far back the Arizona Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card looks into an individual’s criminal history is not explicitly stated in the available online data.

However, it can be inferred that the card involves thoroughly reviewing an applicant’s criminal history records to determine their suitability for the specific services they intend to provide in the state.

It is essential for individuals interested in obtaining or renewing a Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card to follow the application process outlined by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.